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We believe in encouraging other teachers and streams of KRAV MAGA as long as they know what they are teaching.
Unfortunately, I have seen over the years teachers of Martial Art’s: Kick Boxing, Ju-Jitsu, Karate,… both in and outside of Israel, present and advertise themselves as
“KRAV MAGA” teachers and by doing so they destroy the name “KRAV MAGA” for the people who try to learn from them.
The KRAV MAGA MALEH methods are characterized by rapid response and EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE actions.
The primary effect is achieved by understanding more and utilizing the natural movements of the human body And using the 2 basic principles that are leading the system.
The process of integrating and applying KMM Is easily developed in relation to other types of krav maga or martial arts teaching methods, which require an intensive and lengthy period of time to master, including years of practice!
In KMM students are given basic instruction and training according to their age and specific needs, enabling the use of effective self defense techniques IMMEDIATELY.
All ages can participate, and obtain the full benefit of the KMM methods.
The training is open to men and women alike. No previous martial arts experience is necessary, and you don’t need to be an athlete.
This training can fit almost anyone: